monogramming, gifts and more

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!

We had a great time over the holidays. It was so nice to get the house clean and everything situated then sit back and relax for a week or so. Lake is crawling and babbling. Landon has quite the imagination......he pretends to be someone named Tom and changes his voice and all. He will explain how we should or the order to do things and then say "mom, does that sounds like a great idea?" Tyler is finishing up indoor soccer and making A's in the 5th grade.

Our 1st Christmas in our new house! 2007

Ritual New Years Eve with Tim and Cam (and usually Mitch and Jill) We went to Parker House and then came back home and let the kids play and shoot fireworks!

Lake loving his new swing Santa brought him

Gene's Suprise 60th Birthday Party

Flowers from Petals and Pails Cake by Janell Vandevender (if you didn't know Gene rides his bike daily and he rode 60 miles on his birthday)
My family (brother Austin, girlfriend- Shaina, mom, dad and us) Karie (Wint's sister), Gene, Thomas (our nephew)
Landon and his playdate (neighbors grandaughter from FL) Tyring out his new tramopline
Nana and Lake (Landon says.....NaaaNa) country boy!
Lake-Fun, Fun, Fun!
Wint's boss wanted a fleece
Gene's Shirt
Wint's Shirt
Aust and Shaina
Tyler's robe Landon's robe
Shaina lovin her gift I gave her! Christmas at Kathryn Belle's (all her great-grandchildren except for 2 in Germany) McGee grandchildren
Landon our entertainer Lake doesn't know what to think
mom and her presents....hilarious


jenny winstead said...

i love all your pics!!! so cute!!!! lake is growing so fast!!

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

so glad to see new pictures!!! and we LOVE our stuff - you did a great job!!!!!!

hope lake is feeling better - we missed you in LIFEGroup. bless his heart...