monogramming, gifts and more

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Chad and Tiffany's Wedding- Caribe Resort, Gulf Shores, AL

Papaw and Memaw Hampton and Landon
Landon and Madison
Aunt Lydia and Chad
Gene and Jane McGee
Audrey Densford and Landon
Derick and Carrie Mitch and Ceejaye Peters
Ashley and Madison
Austin and Shaina Aunt Lydia and Madison
Tyler in a dance off The guys trying to get Landon to take his shirt off and dance Landon came up to me immediately and asked
"mom, was that very nice for them to take my shirt off or not"
Chad, didn't know you had this talent! Lake: "get me to a bed asap"
Ashley took a turn....Lake worn out Audrey and I My brother and I

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